At the beginning of this year I told you about my personal reading challenge for 2015 (read about that here). I want to read and listen to at least 20 books this year. So I wanted to give you a quick overview of what I've read so far:
Marc-Uwe Kling: Die Känguru Chroniken (The Kangaroo Chronicles)
Just for german readers.. You have to listen to the audio book read by Marc-Uwe Kling himself though: AMAZING! I'm so in love with the characters.. Life with a kangaroo..
Patrick Modiano: Straferlass (engl. Suspended sentences)
I had never read anything by Modiano before, but after reading 'Straferlass' I sure will. It's a quick read that really sucks you in and mesmerizes you.
Rita Falk: Griessnockerlaffäre
Again for german readers only. Set in bavaria this is the fourth book in a series set around villageofficer Franz Eberhofer. It's all about local dialects, food, personality and of course murder.
Rita Falk: Sauerkrautkoma
And there you have the fifth book in the 'Eberhofer'-series.
Marc-Uwe Kling: Das Känguru Manifest
Second book of the 'Kangaroo Chronicles'. Brilliant! In my opinion it's the best book of the trilogy.
Alexa Chung: IT
Sucked in by the hype aroung Alexa Chung and her book I got it for Christmas. With a lot of pictures and scriblings this book is a really quick, but fun read. As I adore Chung's style it's really interesting to get to know her influences and thoughts on fashion.
Marc-Uwe Kling: Die Känguru Offenbarung
And yet the final book of the 'Kangaroo Chronicles'. As much as I loved the series as a whole I'm a bit dissapointed by the third book. Nevertheless it's still brilliant and Marc-Uwe Kling pursuades by impersonating the kangaroo in it's funny and bullheaded way.
Lilly Osborne: The Life Changing Magic Of Order
I love organizing, rearanging and feeling comfortable in my home and environment. I've never read a book about organizing before so I thought I'de give it a go. And although there are quite some spelling mistakes in this book (maybe hire another editor next time..) it really satisfies the organization-lover and there are some usefull tips and tricks that I will try to adapt.
Marc-Uwe Kling: Die Känguru Offenbarung
Yes, again! I've listened to this audio book three times already. I just love it more every time...
So far I've ticked these books off of my list:
- a book with a one word title (R. Falk: Griessnockerlaffäre)
- a book a friend recommended (M. Kling:
- a trilogy (M. Kling: Kangaroo Chronicles Series)
- a book you can finish in a day (A. Chung: IT
- a book published this year (L. Osborne: The Life Changing Magic Of Order)
- a book that was originally written in another language (P. Modiano: Straferlass)
Lots of Love