It has been quiet around here for a while. But behind the scenes it's been a whirlwind of inspiration, fun and adventures! Whilst on a four week holiday in Sweden with my friend Lisa we decided to found "das jute leben - the good life" together.
Over on you can find what enrichens and embellishes our
lifes, what inspires us and what we dream of. The lust for life is only one of many passions we share. Beauty and fashion, movies and music are our interests, as well as baking, cooking and travelling together - all those enjoyable and good things in life!
I will no longer post over here on juliesdreams, so I would love you all to go over to "das jute leben - the good life" and join us on our journey through the good things in life!
You will also be able to find us on social media (all @dasjuteleben)!
Lots of Love
and thank you all so much for the creative moments we've shared so far