Amy from a little boat sailing tagged her readers to do the 'Goodreads Tag' so as I'm a sucker for good books - especially during summer - I thought this would be a great idea to do!
What was the last book you marked as read?
"Mediadidactics. Conception and development of mediasupported learning" by Michael Kerres (Original: Mediendidaktik. Konzeption Und Entwicklung Mediengestutzter Lernangebote). I've just finished my bachelorthesis about 'selfregulated learning with new media' on wednesday so I've been reading quite some books about that topic. This is the only book from my thesis that I've added to my goodreads list because it really was a great read and a good view about the whole topic!
"Mediadidactics. Conception and development of mediasupported learning" by Michael Kerres (Original: Mediendidaktik. Konzeption Und Entwicklung Mediengestutzter Lernangebote). I've just finished my bachelorthesis about 'selfregulated learning with new media' on wednesday so I've been reading quite some books about that topic. This is the only book from my thesis that I've added to my goodreads list because it really was a great read and a good view about the whole topic!
What are you currently reading?
"Sankta Psyko" by Johan Theorin. A swedish thriller.
What was the last book you marked as to read?
"Hunting and Gathering" by Anna Gavalda (Original: Ensemble, c’est tout) is one of my favourite films so I really want to read the book as well. I will be reading this in swedish though!
What do you plan to read next?
"Across The Universe" by Beth Revis. I've bought this after I've watched the Easy Reads with Booksandquills video by Essiebutton (watch it here). And I'm really looking forward to reading this on holiday!
Do you use the star rating system?
I've just started using Goodreads recently, but so far I've been using it.
Are you doing a 2014 reading challenge?
I've been beyond busy with uni this year so I thought it would be good to start a reading challenge, to enable me more to have a good read besides the boring uni papers. My challenge is to read (only) 12 books and I'm currently at 6 books, so it's going quite well. I will probably be reading 20 books on holiday though :)
Do you have a wishlist?
My to read list is probably my wishlist!
What book do you want to buy next?
"The Virgin Suicides" by Jeffrey Eugenides (also from the easy reads video by essie and sanne).
Do you have any favourite quotes?
“I don't want to write for adults. I want to write for readers who can perform miracles. Only children perform miracles when they read.” ― Astrid Lindgren
“I don't want to write for adults. I want to write for readers who can perform miracles. Only children perform miracles when they read.” ― Astrid Lindgren
“Don't you worry about me. I'll always come out on top.”
Astrid Lindgren (Pippi Longstocking)
Who are your favourite authors?
Thriller: Viveca Sten (swedish), Val McDermid, Carin Gerhardsen (swedish)
Childrens books: Astrid Lindgren (swedish), Cornelia Funke (german)
Youth books: John Green, Carry Slee (dutch), Francine Oomen (dutch), Walter Moers (german), Monika Feth (german)
Have you joined any groups?
Not yet!
If you want to follow me over on Goodreads, you can finde me here.
Do you have any book suggestions for me? And what did you read last?
Not yet!
If you want to follow me over on Goodreads, you can finde me here.
Do you have any book suggestions for me? And what did you read last?
Lots of Love