April 20, 2014

The Bag: What's in my small bags

I've recently bought these beautiful and colourful bags at forever21. They're just the perfect smaller bags for summer and their colours just put me in a really good mood. So now I'm going to show you what I pack on days when I want to pack light.


I always have all the necesseties with me for every wild adventure that could happen. Most of the time I just need half of the stuff I carry around, but I just need the assurance.. 
Most important are of cource my iPhone 5s, my car keys and my house keys (can we just take a moment for this cute leather pouch that says 'Don't forget me', too cute..). Next are my sunglasses from H&M and the small flower pouch I use as a wallet when I carry my small bags (it houses cash, cards, my ID, my driverslicense, plasters and chewing gum). And then there's my little on-the-go beauty stash: The Body Shop Vitamine E Lip Balm SPF 15, Logona Grapefruit Hand Cream, Eucerin AtopiControl Acute Creme, Essence Cookies & Cream Blush in 'Cakepop, that's top!' (because my blush always wears of first), a (broken) blushbrush i use as kabuki, a mint hairtie thing and a beautiful and simple silver mirror my grandmother gave me.

As you can see my bag is quite packed, but I always manage to throw in a scarf or a thin cardigan as well as I go out the door (Mary Poppins bags?!)! What do you carry around every day?

Lots of Love