April 9, 2013

Tue - SeeSoundShopSearchedSaveShow - Day: #1

See - Sound - Shop - Searched - Save - Show

chirsellelim's instagram, I love her outfits! 

Passenger with "Let Her Go"

Just bought this lovely purse from Urban Outfitters for 11€.

It's fake leather and has a press button. Inside it's got two open compartments, one with a zipper and six cardpockets.

I've been searching for an online scrapbook for ages, now I've found my favourite: Pinterest.

I'm saving money for my summer holidays! From the Netherlands, to Paris, to Spain, to Portugal. Hopefully!

At the moment my favourite TV-Show is Game Of Thrones. We almost watched the whole first series last night. I'm going to read the books as well I think. The stories, confusions and intrigues are amazing! 

Would love if you left your "See - Sound - Shop - Searched - Save - Show" in a comment below, on bloglovinhellocotton or on twitter and instagram!

Lots of Love Julie